
Zaproszenie na wykład pt."Industry-oriented Research on Biomaterials and Medical Devices" 07.09.2016 10:58

Zakład Biomateriałów i Technologii Mikrobiologicznych

serdecznie zaprasza na wykład, który wygłosi

Dr. Xiang Zhang

z Lucideon Ltd, UK,

Royal Society Industry Fellow at University of Cambridge, UK


pt.: Industry-orientated Research on Biomaterials

and Medical Devices


Wykład odbędzie się w dniu 12 września 2016 r. o godz. 13:30,

w sali 3/16 (trzecie piętro) w budynku CDBN (Al. Piastów 45)


Dr Xiang Zhang is a Royal Society Industry Fellow at University of Cambridge. A materials scientist, Xiang undertook his PhD and postdoctoral research at Cranfield University where he studied nano/micro-mechanics and nano/micro-fracture mechanics of toughening polymers and polymer/inorganic hybrids. He is an expert in materials science and technology. He is the author of three books “Inorganic Biomaterials”, “Inorganic Controlled Release Technology” and “Science and Principles of Biodegradable and Bioresorbable Medical Polymers - Materials and Properties”.