
Zaproszenie na wykład pt. "Colloidal Nanocrystals: From Synthesis to Device Applications 18.01.2015 12:35

Zapraszamy pracowników, doktorantów i studentów na wykład, który wygłosi prof. Mahmut Kuş z Selcuk University, Department of Chemical Engineering, Turcja.   Tytuł wykładu: Colloidal Nanocrystals: From Synthesis to Device Applications Wykład odbędzie się 21stycznia 2015 o godz. 14:15 w Auli Centrum Dydaktyczno-Badawczego Nanotechnologii, Al. Piastów 45.     prof. Mirosława El Fray Dyrektor Centrum Dydaktyczno-Badawczego Nanotechnologii       Dr. Mahmut Kus is Assoc. Prof. at Selcuk University, Department of Chemical Engineering and vice-director of Advanced Technology Research and Application Center. His research interest are Cd based quantum dots, CuZnSnS (CZTS) and magnetic Fe3O4 nanocrsytals beside small molecule organic semiconductors. The topics of applications can be summarized as organic Dye sensitized solar cells, organic and hybrid light emitting diodes, organic field effect transistors. He has been a researcher 2 of EU FP6 project MOLLYCELL and ORGAPVNET, 2 FP7 projects LAMAND and EU-SOLARIS. He has more than 40 publications in the nanotechnology field. He is supervising 7 MSc. and 5 PhD students.